Quite a few methods will soothe the painful gums of your teething baby, before you turn to pain relief products and teething gels, those are:

  • If your baby is old enough, try giving them chilled water in a bottle or cup. Older babies eating solid foods can also be offered cold fruit purees or plain yoghurt, which all assist in numbing the pain somewhat.
  • If your baby has a facial rash, use a soft cotton cloth to gently wipe the drool away from their face as often as possible. Take care not to rub the inflamed area and use a barrier cream to provide protection from further irritation.



Here are some suggestions on how to treat teething:

  • Frozen peas, my kids loved them and still ask for a bowl of frozen peas!
  • Placing my JeleBebe Necklace in the
  • A cold leek to chew on. Kelly S.
  • Rub the gum above the emerging tooth with your finger. Rub often and with pressure. Babes love it and the tooth comes quicker. Natalie C.
  • Sticks of carrot or cucumber.
  • Watermelon or strawberries.
  • I make ‘breastmilk dummicicles’ for my little one using his dummy. I also offer him frozen fruits like frozen banana or frozen durian to nibble on. Rachel C.